--- creating a dataset with temp table
select cm.customerid, cm.name, cm.Phone,
cm.Fax,cm.Email,cm.Contact,category as category,0 as x,rm.repid into #temp1
from customermaster cm left outer join repsmaster rm on cm.repid = rm.repid
where customerid not in
(select customerid from vtgeneral where bookdate >= getdate() - 730
and bookdate <= getdate() - 365 and customerid is not null) and category = 'Direct'
--using the above table and creating another output
select cm.customerid, cm.name, cm.Phone, cm.Fax,cm.Email,cm.Contact,cm.category as repcategory, sum(isnull(DPGrossBookingPriceInEuro,0)) as x from #temp1 cm inner join vtgeneral vtg on cm.customerid = vtg.customerid where bookdate is not null and (bookdate >= getdate() - 1065
and bookdate <= getdate() - 730 ) --and cm.category = 'Direct' group by cm.customerid, cm.name, cm.Phone, cm.Fax,cm.Email,cm.Contact ,cm.category
select cm.customerid, cm.name, cm.Phone, cm.Fax,cm.Email,cm.Contact,cm.category as repcategory, 0 as x from #temp1 cm where cm.customerid not in (select customerid from vtgeneral where bookdate is not null and (bookdate >= getdate() - 1065
and bookdate <= getdate() - 730 ) and customerid is not null)
group by cm.customerid, cm.name, cm.Phone,
drop table #temp1
get the foxpro repair utility and start the parsing of affected documents if you’d like to repair not openable files. It does not take a lot of time