select name,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 1 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then DPGrossBookingPriceInEuro else 0 end),0) as JulGross,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 1 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then Quantity else 0 end),0) as JulPieces,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 2 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then DPGrossBookingPriceInEuro else 0 end),0) as AugGross,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 2 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then quantity else 0 end),0) as AugPieces,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 3 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then DPGrossBookingPriceInEuro else 0 end),0) as SepGross,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 3 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then quantity else 0 end),0) as SepPieces,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 4 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then DPGrossBookingPriceInEuro else 0 end),0) as OctGross,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 4 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then quantity else 0 end),0) as OctPieces,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 5 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then DPGrossBookingPriceInEuro else 0 end),0) as NovGross,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 5 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then quantity else 0 end),0) as NovPieces,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 6 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then DPGrossBookingPriceInEuro else 0 end),0) as DecGross,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 6 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then quantity else 0 end),0) as DecPieces,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 7 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then DPGrossBookingPriceInEuro else 0 end),0) as JanGross,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 7 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then quantity else 0 end),0) as JanPieces,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 8 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then DPGrossBookingPriceInEuro else 0 end),0) as FebGross,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 8 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then quantity else 0 end),0) as FebPieces,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 9 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then DPGrossBookingPriceInEuro else 0 end),0) as MarGross,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 9 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then quantity else 0 end),0) as MarPieces,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 10 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then DPGrossBookingPriceInEuro else 0 end),0) as AprGross,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 10 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then quantity else 0 end),0) as AprPieces,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 11 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then DPGrossBookingPriceInEuro else 0 end),0) as MayGross,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 11 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then quantity else 0 end),0) as MayPieces,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 12 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then DPGrossBookingPriceInEuro else 0 end),0) as JunGross,
isnull(sum(case when OM.month= 12 and tp.Salesordernoitem not like '[%xzcd%]' then quantity else 0 end),0) as JunPieces
from vtgeneral tp
left outer join tblOpenMonth as OM on datediff(day,tp.bookdate,OpenDt) <=0
and datediff(day,tp.bookdate,CloseDt) >= 0
and bookdate >= '2008-07-01' and bookdate <= '2009-06-30'
group by name
the analysis of selected documents can be performed by various data recovery solutions. You may try the recover progress photoshop utility for example, it is one of the most efficient tools