Wednesday, December 16, 2009

SQL Shrink Database

If you see a user database growing abnormal size the following steps could help.

1. Use the query in my post to find out the maimum table size and see if you have some error_history records which can be deleted or moved to archive.

2. The second step is to shrink the database.

3. This can be done by shrinking the mdf file.

use databasename
exec sp_helpfile
dbcc shrinkfile (databasename_Data)

4. The database can also be shrinked using the SSMS, by clicking the database --- task --- shrink ---- database.

5. The database can also be shrinked using the SSMS, by clicking the database --- task --- shrink ---- files, where you can shrink the log file or the database file.

To maintain the log file, the log has to be backed up and it can be shrunk using the below script

BACKUP LOG [databasename] TO DISK = N'Z:\DATABASE\TRANSACTION LOG BACKUPS\globalconac.trn' WITH NOFORMAT, INIT, NAME = N'databasename-Transaction Log Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10go

DBCC SHRINKFILE (N' log file name' , 786)

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