Monday, December 7, 2009

SQL SSRS Linked Reports

When a report is developed and in production for the sales for the emea region, if one sales person needs to view reports only for Ireland this can be achieved using linked reports.

Using the Report Manager --- Click the base report where the linked report to be created.

Then click the properites tab
Click on the Linked report.
You can provided the name of the linked report.
The location where the linked report is saved can be changed if required.
On the side you can see the parameters, datasources, execution, security and history.
  • Remember for the linked report there is no separate report definition file (.rdl file).
  • Also the parameters can have a different list of selected parameters from the base report but not a different SET of parameters list from the base report.
  • As the rdl file is the same the changes performed on the base report implies to the linked report, so this could be a advantage in some scenarios and disadvantage in some cases, it is upto the user to put in use.

1 comment:

  1. thanks. do not hesitate trying various how to recover a database in sql server, it is often the only choice to retrieve the data from corrupted documents
